Your Bourse Platform User Guide

Dynamic Profiles


The dynamic profiles is an YourBourse feature that can be used to dynamically work with pricing and execution on the MetaTrader 4 and the Metatrader 5 servers. It enables users to create and configure various profiles for markup and routing settings for the MetaTrader 4 and the MetaTrader 5, as well as to schedule these profiles to activate at designated times.


There are two kinds of the profiles in the Dynamic Profiles: the current state and the custom profiles.

The current state corresponds to the present markup and routing configuration on the MT4/MT5 servers.

For their own part, the custom profiles allow one to change the markups and routing parameters and schedule them for specific time period.


How to find the Dynamic profiles?


The access to the dynamic profiles can be found under the “Trading Infrastructure” section by selecting “MT4 bridges and MT5 gateways” followed by “Manage”, on the desired bridge or gateway, and then “Configuration”.


There are several markup and routing parameters that can be configured on the page:

  • Bid Markup - the markup in pips to the bid price.

  • Ask Markup - the markup in pips to the ask price.

  • Minimum Spread - the minimum allowable spread shown to the client.

  • Maximum Spread - the maximum allowable spread shown to the client.

  • Target spread, % - the value of the spread as a percent from the price. Applicable only of the Target spread is bigger than the Liquidity Provider raw spread (if the Force target spread parameter is set to False).

  • Force target spread - if True, then Target Spread will overwrite all other markups.

  • Volume-Based Markup - price markup per volume band parameter

  • Execution Volume-Based Markup - a price markup per volume band by account/group.

  • Primary liquidity pool - the liquidity pool from which pricing information is taken

  • Negative Spread Rejection - parameter that allows rejecting a trade while the negative spread from Liquidity Provider.

  • Negative Spread Markup - parameter that allows swapping bid and ask price while the negative spread from Liquidity Provider.

  • Spread Betting - parameters that enables spread betting mode for a trade.


Please note, that there’s a small difference between MT4 and MT5 Dynamic Profiles page. For MT4 there’s an additional column

  • Taker Symbol - MT4/MT5 symbol

In MT4 there’s an option to apply additional filter, both by Symbols and Taker Symbols. While on MT5 there’s only Symbols based filter.


All the parameters could be configured in one of the two ways. Either as default parameter, and in this case it will be apply to all the enabled symbols in the MT4/MT5 servers.


Otherwise, as a symbol parameter, and in this case it will apply only to the specific symbols.