Introducing the New and Improved Your Bourse Order Blotter
Your Bourse Order Blotter, the new and improved version: an essential tool for brokers to monitor and analyze orders in both real-time and historically.
We help institutional brokers connect to trade venues, Tier 1 liquidity providers and prime brokers. Create custom price streams, unlimited liquidity pools and process more than 500 000 order events per second on 1 CPU with 2-microseconds processing time per trade. Processing power is fully scalable up or down at a click of a button. With Your Bourse you can set up new B2B FIX sessions in a blink of an eye. The real time analytics tools and trade algorithms allow our clients to create sophisticated hedging strategies for optimal returns.
The Your Bourse Matching Engine is a pricing and matching technology that allows institutions to create their central order book.
The matching engine can be set up in any of the Equinix data centers worldwide with just a click of the button. Create your custom liquidity pools with unlimited market depth, advanced routing rules, matching rules, setup spike filters and quote throttling as well as automated pricing rules based on triggers and market conditions.
The matching engine supports all expiry types: FOK (Fill or Kill), IOC (Immediate or Cancel), GTC (Good Till Canceled), GTD (Good Till Date), and Valid For Milliseconds and order types: limit, market, stop, stop limit, OCO, if-done, if-done OCO, iceberg, and hidden orders and allows the conversion from one order type to another when needed.
Distribute your liquidity in any asset class to any of the market participants. Create unlimited Liquidity Pools with unlimited market depth and setup symbol mapping as well as the custom price, volume multipliers, steps and advanced aggregation rules for maker/taker type setup.
Your Bourse has an inbuilt real time inbound and outbound FIX log monitoring and parsing functionality.
Data Warehouse is a proprietary set of databases optimized to store both raw and precalculated data.
Your Bourse analyzes tens of billions of data ticks and millions of daily trades.
Ready to turn your ideas into reality? Let's connect to get started.