Release notes
Configuration Portal
Configuration and management portal
26 Mar 2025What's new
- We have introduced a new Configuration API endpoint to retrieve Floating Leverage configuration for rules and symbol Groups
- Breaking changes: The type of
field has changed from number (4,5) to string (Mt4, Mt5), affected endpointsPOST /api/v1/config/floating-leverage/export
POST /api/v1/config/floating-leverage/import
Bug fixes
- We have resolved the issue with adding new symbols to FIX sessions for the FIX server that has configured backups.
18 Mar 2025Bug fixes
- We've fixed the issue that prevented enabling more than one symbol in dynamic profiles for the MT4 bridge/MT5 gateway.
13 Mar 2025What's new
- We've added a separate set of permissions:
Can edit bridge profile default parameters
,Can edit FIX session set profile default parameters
to configure the ability to edit default parameters in MT4, MT5 and FIX server dynamic profiles.
05 Mar 2025What's new
We've introduced the ability to specify symbols for hedging multipliers by account, comment, and country.
04 Mar 2025Bug fixes
- We resolved an issue with the logic that led to the misconfiguration of
when the Trade Session symbol name was not set as a Core Symbol.
- We improved the logic around adding new symbols and importing symbols. There are extra validations and default values setup automatically when changing options on UI.
27 Feb 2025Bug fixes
- We've fixed the issues with incorrect next-run values in the Upcoming Runs list of MT4 Bridge / MT5 Gateway and FIX server dynamic profiles.
We've fixed the issue with exporting FIX session set dynamic profiles.
26 Feb 2025Bug fixes
- We have resolved the issue of enabling multiple symbols in Dynamic Profiles for the MT4 Bridge and MT5 Gateway. Previously, only a single symbol could be enabled.
21 Feb 2025Bug fixes
- We've fixed the issue that leads to liquidity provider misconfiguration after deleting the virtual liquidity pool, where the liquidity provider was a maker for some symbols.
- We've fixed bugs in the MT4 Bridge/MT5 Gateway and FIX session set profiles when column and filter settings are not restored after a page reload.
We've fixed unpredictable behavior when using keyboard navigation while editing complex profile parameters.
18 Feb 2025What's new
- We improved the speed of the import MT4 Bridge and MT5 Gateway configuration by 60%
- We significantly improved the configuration and processing time of the dynamic profiles for MT4/MT5
- We added the ability to send Cloud alert notifications to multiple email addresses
We've fixed incorrect styles for the user actions dropdown and and the sidebar.
17 Feb 2025What's new
We've introduced the ability to configure A/B book settings per country and per comment for the MT4 bridge/MT5 gateway.
12 Feb 2025Bug fixes
We resolved an issue where an incorrect configuration in the matching engine caused exceptions when removing a symbol from the FIX server session.
- We have deprecated the old Scheduler. All clients were contacted and instructed to use Dynamic Profile for MT4/MT5 instead.
04 Feb 2025What's new
We've updated the export/import process for the current state in the dynamic profile for the session. It now exports all symbols and their configurations.
Bug fixes
We fixed a bug where the Role Management page displayed a 500 error for clients.
22 Jan 2025Bug fixes
- We resolved an issue that prevented users from managing roles and permissions when the clients had a deleted Matching Engine.
We fixed the MT4 Bridge / MT5 Gateway dynamic profile import, which contained incorrect PriceBand parameters.
20 Jan 2025What's new
We have significantly improved the speed of opening the MT4 bridge / MT gateway dynamic profile configuration page when a client has more than 10000 symbols configured.
Bug fixes
- We resolved an issue where the primary liquidity pool remained empty after updating the MT4 Bridge or MT5 Gateway profile until the profile was executed.
- We fixed a bug where an incorrect column was displayed in the Tiers table on the Leverage edit form.
- We fixed a bug where the scalper rule mistakenly flagged counted balance operations as trades when detecting unusual activity.
13 Jan 2025What's new
- We have added the ability to edit FIX session custom parameters.
20 Dec 2024Misc
- We have improved error handling and enhanced the user experience for scenarios where a configuration update fails.
19 Dec 2024Bug fixes
We've made it possible for users to input decimal values for integer parameters in Dynamic Profiles.
18 Dec 2024What's new
- We added an option to enable "Check Free Margin" in the Dividend Adjustment feature during both dividend import and single adjustments. This setting prevents adjustments when there isn’t enough free margin. If disabled, a stop-out may occur.
- We improved dividend adjustment processing times in MT4
16 Dec 2024Misc
- We addressed security issues identified during penetration tests.
06 Dec 2024What's new
- We changed the logic for exporting and importing the Current State profile for the MT4 bridge and MT5 gateway to ensure that all symbols are included in the file.
04 Dec 2024Bug fixes
- We fixed an issue where applying Bid/Ask markups in FIX server dynamic profiles resulted in incorrect FIX server configuration.
- We resolved a bug that was preventing Dynamic profiles from displaying more than 100 available rows.
- We amended the symbol swaps import process to extend the timeout duration to 10 minutes, addressing an error that occurred after a successful upload.
29 Nov 2024What's new
- We have added ability to set different markups for quote and trade sessions has been introduced in FIX server dynamic profiles.
25 Nov 2024What's new
- We added support for the Edge Water FIX Connector
Bug fixes
We have fixed a bug that prevented a liquidity provider from connecting to a matching engine after using it as a maker for a new symbol.
- We have removed outdated Beta tags and made legacy pages less accessible.
We have introduced a new Unknown FIX connector type in the UI, which will be used for any unrecognized connector setups or manually configured setups.
19 Nov 2024What's new
13 Nov 2024Bug fixes
- We fixed an issue where MT external order senders were sometimes unable to be used as a source for the FIX session symbol.
09 Nov 2024What's new
- Added support for Trading Technologies' FIX Connector.
07 Nov 2024What's new
- We added support for Floating Leverage by Equity for both MT4 and MT5
- We introduced a delete button to remove Configuration Manager API from the bridge/gateway or the dividend adjustment setup.
- We introduced a new API endpoint to delete manager API configurations:
DELETE /api/v1/config/manager-proxy.
Bug fixes
- We fixed the incorrect time displayed in the Past dynamic profile runs.
- We improved the sidebar navigation with a collapsible sub-menu for easier access.
30 Oct 2024Bug fixes
Incorrect time is displayed in the Past dynamic profile runs.
25 Oct 2024What's new
- We added support for quote and trade FIX sessions with different connector types in the Liquidity Provider.
- Coverage plugin: We added three optional parameters to the UI for configuring the MT5 Coverage Plugin, which will support the Delayed Hedging functionality:
- DoNotUseApiData: allows the transfer of A-Book information through API data across internal MT objects
- DelayedHedgingLogin: allows orders to be placed on behalf of an account
- DelayedHedging: enables configuration of delayed hedging settings
22 Oct 2024Bug fixes
We fixed an issue where the sanity feeds page occasionally displayed a 500 error due to a misconfiguration in the matching engine.
16 Oct 2024What's new
We’ve implemented support for dividend adjustments based on specific accounts.
We also introduced the ability to use special characters to manage account exclusions and inclusions:
- Asterisk (*): Used to include multiple accounts.
- The exclamation mark (!) excludes specific accounts from the adjustment process.
This enhancement simplifies account selection and exclusion, providing more flexibility when applying dividend adjustments.
Bug fixes
- We fixed the issue preventing A/B book settings for all symbols from being modified if a client has a large number of symbols configured in the Cloud Portal.
- We fixed an issue where removing the primary liquidity pool unexpectedly altered the liquidity pool to account and liquidity pool to group mapping parameters in both the MT4 Bridge and MT5 Gateway.
02 Oct 2024Bug fixes
- Resolved the problem that was blocking role modifications when a Matching Engine was down.
20 Sep 2024What's new
- A new FIX server configuration page has been introduced. It allows managing parameters in real-time and scheduling execution for a specific time.
- The "Description" column has been added, and now there is the ability to filter symbol configuration by name and description.
- Similar changes have been made to other configuration pages, such as Liquidity Pool Management and Fix Session configuration.
Bug fixes
- Upcoming runs are still displayed for a profile that was removed.
- Inline filters are not restored after reload of dynamic profile-related pages.
- The dynamic profile configuration page displays an error after deleting the profile.
- Unable to modify roles for some clients.
- Breaking changes: Symbol markups import and export in the dynamic profile configuration page now use absolute values. Clients need to use the most recent version of the export template.
11 Sep 2024Bug fixes
Unable to download plugins from Release Notes URL due to incorrect redirect link
10 Sep 2024Bug fixes
- Fixed an error that was preventing modification of scheduler rules.
- Unable to configure Stp FIX message logging for Fix Server
The Best execution parameter value isn't displayed on the Configure routing page (
26 Aug 2024Bug fixes
- Some clients are unable to verify outgoing connections from the FIX Server and Liquidity Managers.
22 Aug 2024What's new
Introducing support for custom styles, icons, and images in all white-label websites.
Enhancements have been made to the security of our white-label products.
21 Aug 2024Bug fixes
Fixing double encoding issue white encrypting slack monitoring file in Admin portal.
16 Aug 2024What's new
- New Trafix connector added
Bug fixes
Mass deletion issue fix. Preventing user from deleting the symbl which is used in any matching engine.
13 Aug 2024What's new
Symbol UI, including:
new validations for 15 characters for symbol names and 512 for symbol description
new optional description field on symbol pages (edit/list)
bulk deletion is possible with import (Mark as deleted column in excel sheet)
Minor changes:
: returns symbol's 'Description' as well
- The horizontal scroll in the new design list pages has been increased twice.
23 Jul 2024What's new
A new view of FIXServer FIXSessions in the Cloud
- Replaced old page for FIX Server FIX session in Cloud with the new ability to see the connection status when fix message heartbeats are enabled.
- A new API to retrieve FIX Server FIX session details has been introduced
POST /api/v1/config/fix-session/details
- Replaced old page for FIX Server FIX session in Cloud with the new ability to see the connection status when fix message heartbeats are enabled.
- Support for Bier Baum FIX connector has been added
19 Jul 2024Bug fixes
- Value in the popup window is sometimes not filled for complex parameters in dynamic profiles (
). - The Configuration (Beta) page doesn't display any symbols for White label clients (
15 Jul 2024Bug fixes
Issue resolved when displaying only the first 10 records while configuring allowed IPs for the FIX session (
11 Jul 2024What's new
- Release of Dynamic Profile feature. Please refer to a dedicated user guide: Dynamic Profiles (
The dynamic profiles is an YourBourse feature that can be used to dynamically work with pricing and execution on the MetaTrader 4 and the Metatrader 5 servers. It enables users to create and configure various profiles for markup and routing settings for the MetaTrader 4 and the MetaTrader 5, as well as to schedule these profiles to activate at designated times.
The feature is currently in the BETA stage. Please contact YourBourse support to gain access.
11 Jul 2024What's new
- A confirmation window has been added before saving the floating leverage rule setting.
09 Jul 2024What's new
- Added ability to specify a comma-separated list of group names when importing Group Swaps settings for MT4 and MT5.
- Dynamic Profile: Profile execution result notification has been changed to consider execution results (
05 Jul 2024What's new
- Enhanced the Scheduled profiles page to allow editing of the cron expression initially defined during setup.
03 Jul 2024Bug fixes
- Deletion of the virtual liquidity pool may fail due to misconfiguration of the MT4 bridge or MT5 gateway.
- Fixed bug of the Enable/Disable checkbox when using "Copy" on the FixServer sessions page.
03 Jul 2024Bug fixes
- An error occurs when attempting to create groups without symbol groups on the Floating leverage symbol page.
24 Jun 2024Bug fixes
- Fixing UI issue on the Floating Leverage configuration page. Wrapping lines for symbols works better now.
The scheduler occasionally fails to update values for taker symbols when both Ask and Bid values need to be updated.
06 Jun 2024What's new
- Option to rearrange the order of random markup and execution delay parameters rules
03 Jun 2024Bug fixes
- The price markup per volume band parameter cannot be edited on any page except the first one.
- Dynamic Profiles: The error occurs if the default profile has not been created yet.
- Symbol Import: The issue with importing and exporting symbols for inactive MEs has been fixed.
23 May 2024What's new
- Breaking changes: all configuration APIs were moved to a
sub-directory, i.e.POST/api
moved to/v1 /symbol /export POST/api
/v1 /config /symbol /export - Introduced new Symbol Settings import/export API. The API supports advanced logic to detect symbol misconfigurations, such as incorrect decimal places.
- Some clients are unable to manage scheduled profile actions on the Upcoming Runs page.
Configuring the EnableNegativeSpreadProtection and EnableNegativeSpreadMarkup parameters can now be done on the new Configuration page.
Bug fixes
Bug fixes
- The Market Depth on the UI is not displayed correctly when the Price Bands parameter is changed.
23 May 2024What's new
- The Floating Leverage feature in MT4 and MT5 now allows users to specify rule execution priority and temporarily disable rules.
Bug fixes
- When importing symbols for a liquidity pool, a liquidity provider may sometimes receive an invalid configuration.
08 May 2024Bug fixes
The default value for the liquidity pool's ZeroLiquidityOrderExpiry parameter has been changed to zero.
- The issue with rendering the Virtual Liquidity Pool to Groups Mapping and Virtual Liquidity Pool to Accounts Mapping parameters for the MT4 bridge and MT5 gateway has been resolved.
05 May 2024What's new
- The loading speed on the Cloud and Admin portals has been improved.
Bug fixes
A decimal value of volume in the Volume-Based Markup parameter crashes the dynamic profile page.
Users with restricted roles cannot see some FIX messages in the report.
- When importing symbols for a FIX server that contains a repeated FIX name, unexpected results may occur.
05 Apr 2024Bug fixes
- The scheduler sets the Min/Max spread to 0 when executing a rule to modify bid/ask markup. The bug affected only MT4-mapped symbols.
30 Mar 2024Bug fixes
- The MT4 bridge / MT5 gateway state retrieval speed has significantly improved. The page now renders much faster for clients with multiple bridges.
Incorrect default values are rendered on the Margin Monitoring page.
- When removing a symbol from a virtual liquidity pool, this symbol is removed from all FIX sessions even if they use different virtual liquidity pools as a source.
- The added Price markup per volume band parameter is not displayed if the Volume-weighted markup across all affected tiers mode has been selected.
The MT4 bridge / MT5 gateway / FIX server config contains a deleted virtual liquidity pool ID.
MT4 bridges are not displayed as a source for a FIX session.
Repeated editing of the 'Use open hedging multiplier' parameter for the MT4 bridge / MT5 gateway breaks the setting.
17 Mar 2024What's new
MT4 bridge / MT5 gateway now supports Execution Volume-Based Markup parameter
The latest update includes the addition of support for the Execution Delay parameter in dynamic profiles when configuring MT4 Bridge or MT5 Gateway configuration.
Bug fixes
Some of the return links used are incorrect on the "Delete Virtual Liquidity Pool" page.
An exception is being thrown when attempting to export the parameters for the FIX session.
08 Mar 2024What's new
- A new feature has been added to the FIX Server, allowing users to configure the STP session.
02 Mar 2024What's new
- The Margin Monitoring User Interface allows and shows values less than 1 when you add positions.
Bug fixes
01 Mar 2024What's new
A confirmation dialogue has been added when attempting to remove the last marker for a symbol in the virtual liquidity pool.
By default, the file logger is disabled for all new and cloned FixSessions. Additionally, the ClickHouse database logger is set as default.
23 Feb 2024What's new
- MT4 bridge / MT5 gateway now supports the configuration of the 'Spread betting' parameter.
Bug fixes
The problem with displaying the floating leverage calculation type on the user interface has been resolved.
The misconfiguration of the "ApplyToNewPositions" parameter has been fixed during the Import/Export fix.
- The issue regarding the removal of Liquidity pools to groups mapping/Liquidity pools to accounts mapping parameters in MT4 bridge/MT5 gateway during liquidity pool modifications has been resolved.
- Editing the Heding multiplier setting for each symbol is displayed, instead of one setting for all symbols.
12 Feb 2024Bug fixes
- The maximum value can't be set for the A-book volume increment parameter of the FIX session.
08 Feb 2024What's new
Added ability to import & export floating leverage rules in MT4 Bridge
Added audit logs for any configuration actions in the MT5 Coverage Plugin
30 Jan 2024Bug fixes
- The issue with displaying symbol parameter values after changing default values has been resolved on the Pricing page for MT4 Bridge/MT5 gateway.
24 Jan 2024What's new
- The latest update includes the option to import and export group swaps for MetaTrader 4/5.
Added new endpoints to retrieve FIX sessions for Liquidity Providers and Fix Servers.
- Get a list of FIX sessions by takers/v1 /fix-session /taker - POST
- Get a list of FIX sessions by makers/v1 /fix-session /maker
- The MT4 Bridge and MT5 Gateway now support the insertion of comma-separated values for range parameters, i.e. logins, groups
Bug fixes
- When editing the execution delay parameter with a large number of logins, the layout becomes broken.
19 Dec 2023What's new
- The scheduler now has support for the execution delay parameter.
Bug fixes
- Fix the error that causes the FIX message report to fail to load data when some of the liquidity providers are unavailable.
11 Dec 2023Bug fixes
- The user with limited access cannot view information on the Pricing page for the MT4 bridge / MT5 gateway.
28 Nov 2023Bug fixes
- When importing parameters for a FIX session, duplicate FIX symbols cause errors.
17 Nov 2023What's new
- Liquidity Finder is now available for all clients. You can find more details about it here: Create a Free Your Bourse Account | Your Bourse - focus on your business, not the infrastructure
Bug fixes
- Fixed the issue where 'Liquidity pools to groups mappings' and 'Liquidity pools to accounts mappings' parameters of the MT4 bridge / MT5 gateway couldn't be set when clients used more than 2 matching engines.
- Fixed bug: Unable to update floating leverage rules when the screen size is less than 1280px.
08 Nov 2023What's new
The UI for MT4 bridge and MT5 gateway enables the configuration of Shadow Randomize Markups.
Previously, it was required to use a notional amount in Mt5Coverage for Exposure Hedging Rules, but now lots must be used for simplicity.
We have included support for the Trader Tools and Tools For Brokers FIX Connectors, which will enable users to connect to the trading platform more efficiently.
27 Oct 2023What's new
- The new update allows for the creation of an MT4 coverage account per liquidity provider.
25 Oct 2023What's new
The Floating Leverage plugin now supports a 'Force Update' command.
The ability to edit default MT4 bridge and MT5 Gateway parameters has been disabled for all non-admin roles.
Bug fixes
Fixed an issue preventing deletion of the Primary Liquidity pool in the MT4 bridge / MT5 gateway when any of the active FIX servers were unavailable.
13 Oct 2023What's new
- We have now included the capability to Import/Export Liquidity Provider's Symbol Settings. This new feature will allow users to easily transfer and manage their Liquidity Provider's Symbol Settings, streamlining the workflow and making it more efficient.
Import Symbol Settings: Liquidity providers can now easily import their symbol settings, saving valuable time and effort. Whether setting up a new account or updating existing configurations, importing symbol settings streamlines the process.
Export Symbol Settings: Exporting symbol settings allows liquidity providers to create backups or share configurations across multiple accounts or platforms effortlessly. This feature enhances collaboration and simplifies the replication of settings.
Bug fixes
- The bug that prevented the scheduler rules from being picked up after a 60-second delay in processing has been fixed.
12 Oct 2023Bug fixes
Some clients report that completed dividend adjustments appear as Pending in the Cloud Portal.
On any page except the first, it was not possible to set the execution delay for the MT4 bridge/MT5 gateway.
Execution delay for MT4 bridge/MT5 gateway isn't shown per symbol if default delay is set.
An error occurs when attempting to export the parameters of a FIX session.
04 Oct 2023Bug fixes
- Fixed a FIX session import bug that allowed importing symbols with an unavailable quote/trade source for the FIX server.
01 Oct 2023What's new
- We have added the ability to display the FIX session type in the list of FIX sessions.
Bug fixes
Symbols used in some components cannot be edited.
- When setting up an alert, tooltips do not appear.